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Always The Same Blue Sky... Full Crack [crack]

Updated: Mar 11, 2020

About This Game THIS IS NOT YOUR TYPICAL VISUAL NOVEL. Always The Same Blue Sky approaches the medium from a fresh new angle, a gripping tale with no filler, no pretence. Complemented by breathtaking artwork and an addictive soundtrack, you can't afford to miss this amalgamation of young talent!You play as a thoughtful young soul, bumbling your way through late adolescence; you've been through a lot for your age and consequently are a little numb. This is why you don't bat an eyelid when, out of the blue, you're transferred to yet another school, in yet another remote location. Little do you know that this small island is nothing like the others, that the events that occur on it will change everything.In an already niche genre of storytelling, Always The Same Blue Sky stands out as a truly unique seaside adventure; a timeless tale of love, mystery and humanity. 6d5b4406ea Title: Always The Same Blue Sky...Genre: Adventure, Casual, IndieDeveloper:NeoNightPublisher:NeoNightRelease Date: 21 May, 2015 Always The Same Blue Sky... Full Crack [crack] Why you should buy this:The visuals and music alone are worth the meager asking price.The review:You don't really get to know Kira (the only character besides you) very much during the short 30-45 minute story and the ending, while it seemed rather rushed, was quite emotional for me. You do get a few choices during the story which will ultimately determine whether you get ending 1 or 2, but they don't really change the rest of the story much. All in all, its a good visual novel that maybe needs to let the pictures do more of the storytelling and increase character depth with a little more dialogue and little less poetry. If you want a lengthy and heartwarming VN, look elsewhere. If you want a short, emotional little trip, pick this one up.. Extremely short, but interesting. I do like how the story surprised me a bit. I thought it was just going to be a slice-of-life story, but the ending(s) changed that. I do wish it had been longer and that the choices didn't just lead to two different endings (a good and a bad one). Overall, it was enjoyable but could've been better.The artwork was very pretty. I recommend it as long as you're okay with short VNs.. Ok, I really enjoyed this VN. It's quite short but I thought it was sweet. The soundtrack is amazing plus the art is lovely!8\/10.. Cute little visual Novel that offers 2 endings as well as 2 hidden achievements one of them including a small childstoryEach run takes about 30-45 mintutes, the price of 3\u20ac is totaly okay i thinkPro:- Story is quite enjoying- Hiddencontent- Music- Backgroundpictures- Achievements- Cute character- Short- Choosing between Boy and Girl- Name yourself and get to choose whether you are shy or not by telling your name ^-^Con:- Girl \/ Boy makes no difference what so ever- Can't find any moreI give it a 7-7.5\/10 it is a small Novel but a good middleclass one. Personally, I enjoyed this visual novel. I bought it despite some of the bad reviews, as it was cheap, and was pleasantly surprised.The writing does lean towards excess, and could do with some editing - for example, a lengthy description of Kira's appearance is not necessary, as we see her sprite and already know about her apple-green eyes.I loved the odd sense of place this game had. It felt somewhat familiar, yet alien. I also liked the way the story emerged as a series of vignettes - again though, there are some loose ends and the transitions in some places were a bit confusing. In one instance, art appears before the writing has caught up, leaving me confused as to why the protagonist was talking about Kira walking away when the art shows her smiling with a fishing net.I liked the ending, but the lengthy explanation Kira gives felt a tad clumsy. I also disliked how every ending has Kira deciding to be good, either before or after she murders the protagonist The game is very short, it took me under an hour to 100% it.All in all, this is just what I think. The bad reviews raise good points, but for me the good outweighed the bad in the end.. Always The Same Blue Sky is a difficult game to say whether I recommend it or not, since it does have good and bad qualities in almost equal measure. Let's start off with the positives - the visuals are are quite pretty, some of the plot elements introduced are truly intriguing, and the music is decent. However, where this game fails is in the execution of the story. While I appreciate it being advertised as a story that gets right to the point and ranks a 0 on the pretension meter, I believe that it this same attitude that hurts the overall experience. Yes, it is nice to cut out the excess nonsense filler the plagues many games like this, but so much has been cut away that only a bare-bones structure remains. A little extra time to bond with our solitary (!) love interest would have been nice, with the added bonus of a little extra depth and get a sense of who she truly is. Personal taste for fluff aside, what isn't cut out of the game is severely underdeveloped. Crucial twists and plot points are touched upon exactly once and then never brought up again (glass dolphin, anyone?) Also hurting the game is the use of the dual endings. Unless you answer the choices in a very specific way, you get the bad ending. Just wow. No gray area at all, eh? I don't know if all VNs work this way or not (I've only played a couple before this), but it drives me crazy when games stack the odds against the player of getting a satisfying ending. It doesn't help that some of the choices are absolutely ridiculous (announce your name proudly or shyly? Really?) and give you little to no feedback on how each choice changes the way Kira feels about you.Finally, the writing. Oh boy, the writing. It isn't something I'd exactly call terrible, but I'd place it somewhere between "Internet fanfic written at 3 AM after one too many glasses of wine" and "$5 paperback romance novel gathering dust at Wal-Mart." I've always said that a thesaurus is every writer's best friend, but this game's authors suffer from going a touch overboard with it. A little rosiness in the narrative and dialogue is nice, but it would benefit greatly from a little conciseness as well.In terms of my recommendation, what it all comes down to are two questions: Would I play this game again? Would I recommend this to anyone else? In short, no and no. I wrapped the story twice in 50 minutes and got 2\/3 of the achievements doing so. With one love interest and only two endings, I see no point in playing this game again. I would suggest this game to hardcore visual novel fans, and even then only in passing.Always The Same Blue Sky escapes my thumbs-up, but only just. Honestly, there are worse ways you could spend three bucks and an hour.. This one's an awesome indie visual novel from a small European studio that well, I enjoyed months ago and of course I forgot to review.It's definitely quite short, but on the other side it's well worthy to be played in my opinion. That's why I'm replaying it after many months right now :PAnd while it's true that often a game with lots of endings is usually lengthier and more developed, with many characters and so on, it's never automatic the connection between many endings and a beautiful game.There are lots of visual novels, like this one, with few endings (yes, just two!) and with a short playtime, but with a nice replayability value and many positive aspects - outstanding, too!Always The Same Blue Sky, too, features a really well-made personal user interface, for what concerns dialogues and choices, but also the text position in the bottom part of the screen - it's clear from the first sight that much work has been put into this novel (which had been approved firstly on Steam before being published) and you can see this from the menus, the graphics and every small aspect that many other visual novel use to standardize (like the auto, skip, pause etc. buttons that look all the same in dozens of games). RenPy engine, if you're wondering :)Plus, here we have outstanding graphics in my view, and an awesome soundtrack which can be bought as a 1\u20ac\/$ DLC - even if the game's short (two-three hours more or less if you wanna read through it all), you'll hear almost 15 different songs and the DLC also contains non-published tracks and mixes :)I also found the story very charming and nice, soothing I'd say. Nothing complicated at all - it's a romantic and peaceful one - but definitely enjoyable. It's clearly indie, and maybe some scenes aren't perfectly linked one to another, but overall nothing mines (is this English? I hope so xD) the game's quality.As I was saying, we won't face sexual contents or magical things, or even complex storylines.. the world is quite "late teenager" as your main character (you choose your sex ^^) goes from school to school and well, you'll find yourself on an island which is quite the context in which everything will take place, good or bad.The fact that your main character is put finally, after what he\/she went through his teenage years, on a remote island of course opens tons of different possibilities and this is probably one of the reasons why the game suffers from some plot holes and jumps from one theme to another one, but as I said, nothing too bad to say it's rushed or even hard to enjoy in my view. Yeah, the writing isn't always perfect, but to me it's really okay. And it offers you way more than a good and a bad ending - although on one hand there are many choices that aren't really "important" for a different outcome, on the other one you can do multiple playthroughs and see the reactions if you're playing positively, or if you want to behave the opposite way. This is great, since you can still make a "wrong" decision if you feel that it suits your mood, and still stay on one of the two routes :)The too long, did not read version of this is: there are lots of choices, but they will lead you to two endings only; though, they will still affect many small bits of dialogue here and there.With Kira being the only character you'll get to know, of course, the game limits itself a bit but well, it'll be ok :PFor the sake of completion, there are something like, 15 choices per playthrough if you really wanna know xDI just can't speak about the language options - there are many translations, but of course being Northern Italian and knowing only my native tongue and French I went for English.. but you can also play the game in German, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish and Russian - there's no voice acting at all, so nothing will change and trust me, the music and the full OST are really charming and interesting even from an amateur musician's point of view ^^I just can say that the English novel is great apart from some bits of dialogue, but I generally write my reviews only for the English versions of the games since well, I still have to find a nicely translated game into Italian or French and my knowledge of Spanish is too bad to enjoy everything. Not to speak about other languages I should have studied or learned years ago..I think I made some mistakes and errors and I'm too stupid to go through the review once again but I hope I gave many nice ideas on what you're going to play. Few characters but greatly made, a nice and charming seaside\/island romantic story, awesome artwork and music, and an overall short time needed for every choice, ending and such.For its price and its indie development, in my view this one's really a great visual novel in its genre. And it's suited for every age too. Lots of details in the artwork. Worth every single cent :)And well.. I "tricked" a little bit talking about the branches the story will take.. there could be some magic in the.. water.. :)

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